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+61 (03) 9885 4494Email Address Severe Varicose Veins are left untreated, they can lead to serious symptoms and complications, including rashes, infections, bleeding, sores, and blood clots. Not everyone will necessarily experience complications of untreated varicose veins. But not treating varicose veins will increase the chance of complications happening. If a Severe Varicose Vein is left untreated for an extended period of time it can potentially cause Venous eczema (itchy, scaly, red, and thick skin), Hyperpigmentation (brown discoloration of the skin), Ankle and feet veins (Corona Phlebectatica Paraplantaris), Moderate to severe oedema (swelling of the legs), Lipodermatosclerosis (a stage of skin and soft tissue changes before ulceration occurs), Ulceration and risk of superficial venous thrombophlebitis (inflammation in a varicose vein and blood clot).
We try no cut and pain like traditional surgery by utilizing the latest & safest advanced techniques for treatments.
Causes of eczema: Venous insufficiency cause increased venous pressure and increased fluid collection in the tissues. Extra fluid can activate the part of the immune system response and can also cause inflammatory reactions.
ThrombophlebitisCauses of thrombophlebitis (venous inflammation and blood clot): blood stays in the varicose vein longer than a normal vein and this can increase the chance of clotting.
HyperpigmentationCauses of hyperpigmentation, lipodermatosclerosis, and ulceration: As a result of the increased venous pressure fibrin deposits (insoluble protein) occurs which then act as a barrier to oxygen flow and necessary nutrients to the skin, muscle, and soft tissues.
Ankle swelling or Edema: Venous insufficiency cause increased venous pressure and increased fluid collection in the tissues. If soft tissue will not be fed properly then the tissue gradually dies and causes hyperpigmentation and ulceration.
Read more about Venous Ulcer & Venous Compression
A disease known as superficial venous insufficiency is the root cause of varicose veins. Ordinarily, tiny valves in your veins open to let blood flow to the heart before closing. This causes a one-way street for your blood and prevents any backflow.
Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy & Ambulatory Phlebectomy can easily be performed to carry out severe varicose veins.
Fix Severe Varicose Veins using minimal invasion techniques by Victoria’s highly reviewed Doctor.
Dr. Yazdani has achieved great results in restoring vein health.
Call Us or Book an appointment online to visit the Dr. at your convenience.