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+61 (03) 9885 4494Email Address and larger varicose veins around the ankle and feet are medically termed ‘corona phlebectatica’ which is consistent with a fan-shaped pattern of numerous small abnormal veins. These abnormal veins around the ankle and feet may indicate a progressing underlying leg vein problem.
Veins are blood vessels that normally return blood from the leg upwards towards the heart. In the legs, blood flow should always travel from the superficial veins (common veins that cause varicose veins) to the deep veins in the legs. There are many communications between the superficial veins and deeper veins called perforating veins.
Blood will not normally travel downwards in the reverse direction or outwards from the deep to superficial veins as there are one-way valves within the veins that prevent this from occurring.
In some people, these valves can fail, and blood is permitted to travel not only towards the heart but backward down the leg especially when standing, this is known as ‘reflux’. Veins that reflux is said to be incompetent. There is increased pressure in incompetent veins, which eventually causes the vein wall to expand and bulge producing a varicose vein.
Laser or Radiofrequency Treatment is best suited to get rid of suitable veins.
If left untreated these veins can cause symptoms including venous eczema (itchy over the veins), changes in the color and hardening of the skin in the calf, leg swelling (fluid in the skin around the ankle and calf), ulcers, and possible blood clots.
Compression stockings can help in post venous treatment but are based on your medical condition and other health conditions.
Diagnosis is made by ultrasound which has become the standard of care for the investigation of varicose veins.
Ultrasound is able to check the patency and direction of flow in the veins within the leg, as well as the diameter of the veins.
Ultrasound is also used to aid and direct Dr. Nellie during the minimally invasive treatments used at Melbourne varicose vein which included sclerotherapy, laser treatment, and the use of specifically designed vein glues.
Dr. Yazdani has achieved great results in restoring vein health.
Call Us or Book an appointment online to visit the Dr. at your convenience.