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7 Signs why you need to visit a Vein Expert!

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7 Signs why you need to visit a Vein Expert! - Best Vein Varicose Clinic in Victoria Melbourne

Do you have vein problems but aren't sure if they're serious enough to require a visit to a vein expert? Your veins play a very crucial part in your body. They are responsible for returning blood that has been spread across your body to your heart.

When your veins aren't able to function properly, this can result in some major concerns. When you know that you have a vein condition that needs to be treated, vein health becomes even more important. Putting your vein problems in the hands of just anyone could put you in a situation where you suffer even more. Your veins are unquestionably important to your overall health – thus the path to wellness is entirely up to you.

Keep in mind that vein condition isn't something you want to mess with.

1. Your legs feel tired at the end of the day or after a long period of standing.

Though your legs may feel heavier after standing for long periods, this is not the case. This heaviness could indicate a vein problem. Standing on your legs for hours can increase risk of developing varicose veins, making them feel weak and heavy. Elevating your legs is an excellent method to reduce that stingy, heavy sensation. However, if you're in pain to begin with, there's something wrong.

2. Your skin is dry and irritated, or you see a rash near your ankle.

Dryness, itching, or a rash on the skin could indicate that you have vein problems that have gone untreated. The elevated blood pressure levels in your damaged veins cause the symptoms you observe on your skin. With these abnormal veins, blood does not flow back up to your heart, which causes your skin to suffer. If you don't address your vein problems, that flaky skin or unpleasant rash could morph into a venous leg ulcer, which is far worse. You should address this condition in an early stage before it turns into an ulcer. Once it turns into an ulcer, you'll be in a lot of discomfort and have to go through a long treatment procedure.

Make an appointment with a vein doctor if you observe discolouration in your legs and around your ankle, as well as dry, itchy skin or eczema around the skin.

3. Your leg pain is affecting your usual activities.

It is not necessary to have vein problems just because you suffer leg pain. Varicose veins cause leg pain, especially aching and throbbing. The pain gets worse the more you go about your everyday activities with them. You should make an appointment with a vein expert to assess whether your leg pain is due to damaged veins. The doctor will determine the cause of your pain and treat it effectively. If the pain is minor and the veins don't require immediate attention, compression stockings can be worn at home. However, it's advisable to be careful and consult with a doctor.

Varicose Veins during pregnancy

4. You're pregnant for the second time, and your veins caused issues during your first pregnancy.

Hormonal changes are one of the most common causes of varicose veins nowadays. And one of the periods, when hormones undergo the most significant changes, is during pregnancy. Because so much extra blood is required to nourish the baby, pregnancy increases the amount of blood in a woman's body. As a result of the increased blood flow in the woman's pelvic or vagnal veins often enlarge due to increased pressure developing in the uterus, so there are high chances of pelvic or vaginal varicose veins to develop. Also, if you had vein difficulties during your first pregnancy, the chances are that they will get worse during your second pregnancy.

You should see a vein expert to find a treatment that works for you to keep your veins in good health before the next pregnancy.

5. Your veins are blue or purple and bulging.

If you notice your veins changing colour and/or bulging, you should see an expert immediately. The swelling and irritation of your varicose veins cause your veins to turn blue or purple and bulge. When your veins reach this stage, a blood clot might develop. If you are noticing this, you should see a vein expert as soon as possible. If left untreated, this could progress to DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis). And that's a situation you don't want to think about having to deal with.

6. Only one of your legs swells, and the swelling is gone the next morning.

Your legs could be swollen for a number of causes. Varicose veins, on the other hand, usually cause edema. If the swelling you're experiencing is limited to one leg and occurs only after you've been awake and moving for a while, it's likely that the swelling is due to venous insufficiency. However, confirming this requires a visit to your vein doctor.

7. You have a lump in your leg that is tender.

A sore lump in your leg may not always indicate vein problems, although a blood clot in your veins is a common cause of a tender lump in your leg. It's a good idea to call your local vein doctor to schedule an appointment if you notice this type of lump. You'll have a much better notion of your vein conditions once you've booked your appointment with your vein expert. The doctor then will determine which vein treatment is most appropriate for you.

When it comes to your health, especially the health of something as vital as your veins, you want to take the time to ensure that the clinic you choose will provide you with the treatment and results you desire. Visit our website to read about the success stories of our expert doctor.

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